ASIP 6.0 Training
ASIP 6.1 Training
ASIP 6.2
Installation & Use
updated: 3/15/99
Installation & Use
AppleShare IP 6.2 ships with Mac OS 8.6. Detailed steps on how
to install both the System Software and ASIP can be found in the
"Getting Started with Mac OS 8.5 Server" manual that shipped with the software. For seasoned administrators
and technical support engineers, here's a brief reminder of what
is involved, and how it differs from ASIP 6.1:
- Install Mac OS 8.6, required. ASIP 6.2 will not install on computers with Mac OS
version 8.5.1 or earlier. The ASIP 6.2 installer will notify you
if Mac OS 8.6 is not installed and will ask you to install it..
If you are updating an earlier version of AppleShare or Appleshare
IP, certain steps need to be taken to preserve privileges on the
server when doing a clean install. See the Related Topic on access privileges , or Apple's Tech Info Library for steps on doing a clean install on an Appleshare Server, or the Appleshare IP First Aid information, which tells you how to back up and restore essential
Appleshare IP files.
- Configure control panels if needed:
- Date & Time: Remember to set the time zone, also.
- Energy Saver: Use Server Settings to prevent the server from sleeping. You
can also set it to restart after a power outage.
- AppleTalk: Select appropriate interface for AppleTalk communications.
- TCP/IP: Configure the TCP/IP control panel with a static IP address,
subnet mask, router address, DNS servers.
- Install ASIP 6.2:
- The ASIP 6.2 installer will detect if Open Doc (needed for the
Administrator applications) is needed, and install it, if so.
- Run ASIP Easy Setup, following the prompts (have your serial number handy).
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